The weather is starting to get that little nip in the air in the afternoons so my job this week will be to tile the hearth and then Paul can get the fire installed. Winter is not too far away.
The firewood pile is going to have to grow a wee bit before then.
It was good to have young Aidan down here. He was a bit of a dab hand with the block splitter and the wood pile grew quite a bit.
With Paul back at work the job completion has slowed down a bit but he is still at it in the afternoons.There is always something that needs doing yesterday if not sooner.
Aidan, Gay[my sister] and I got stuck into the scrubby bush once Paul went to work. I had no idea Aidan could swing an axe so well. Surprised himself as well.Gay and I stuck to the bow saws and dragging the cut down scrub over to the burn off pile. A big job.Still have loads down there to drag across.Still can't do everything in a day but I will get it done.
The plantings are going well. We have spent a fortune on plants and trees but the place is looking so much better with a few flowers around the place.This afternoon Paul planted 5 birch trees and 5 Norway maples around the side of the dam. Only small yet but they will get there.
Very excited today when we harvested one and a half kilos of our pink eye potatoes. They are on the stove right now. Last night we had our first cucumber. Oh how sweet it was.
Loads of tomatoes on the bushes, all different varieties, and should be able to pick the first of them by the end of the week. Nothing tastes quite so good as your own home grown stuff.
We have made 3 different lots of blackberry jam between us. Have to admit mine was way too sweet but at least it set well. Going to try again next week, add less sugar and more lemon and the secret ingredient of a mashed banana.
Apricot jam is a great success. No, not my apricots, bought them from the side of the road, Amish chappy, but the jam is great.
It's all going well. Loads to do each day and I never get through my list but sooner or later it will all come to pass. In the meantime I will still keep chipping away at those blasted thistles and finally win the battle.